Beyond Intelligence: AI for a Changing Planet


Day 1 - 26th- October,2024

08:50 AM – 09:00 AM

Registration Desk

09:00 AM – 09:05 AM

National Anthem of China

09:05 AM – 09:10 AM

National Anthem of India

09:10 AM – 09:20 AM

Welcome Speech by Moderator

09:20 AM – 09:30 AM

Welcome speech by Special Guest of Honor

09:30 AM – 10:00 AM

Speech by Keynote speaker
Dr. Iris Efthymiou

Hellenic Association of Political Scientists,
United Kingdom

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Speech by Session Speaker
Mr. Lalit Gautam

Sensegrass, France

10:30 AM – 11:00 AM

Speech by Keynote Speaker
Assoc Prof. Dr. Sandhya Patidar

Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom

11:00 AM – 11:10 AM

Photographic Session

11:10 AM – 11:20 AM

Refreshment Break

11:20 AM – 11:40 PM

Speech by Session Speaker


11:40 AM – 12:30 PM

Technical Session I

12:30 PM - 01:30 PM

Lunch Break

01:30 PM – 01:50 PM

Speech by Session Speaker
Dr. Evgeniy Gavrilov

Head, Artificial Intelligence,Uvenco, Moscow,Russia

01:50 PM – 03:00 PM

Technical Session II

03:00 PM – 03:10 PM

Refreshment Break

03:10 PM – 03:20 PM


03:20 PM – 03:30 PM

Vote of Thanks

Day 2 - 27th- October,2024

09:00 AM – 09:10 AM

Welcome Speech by Moderator

09:10 AM – 09:20 AM

Welcome Speech by

09:20 AM – 09:50 AM

Speech by Exclusive Event Speaker

09:50 AM – 10:20 AM

Speech by Keynote Speaker
Asst Prof. Dr. Mitra Madanchian

University Canada West,Canada

10:20 AM – 11:40 AM

Technical Session 1 A
Technical Session 1 B

11:40 AM – 12:00 PM

Speech by Session Speaker
Mr. Yonah Welker

Tech Envoy EU_Commission projects, Switzerland

12:00 PM – 01:00 PM

Lunch Break

01:00 PM – 01:20 PM

Speech by Session Speaker
Dr. Zaki Zainudin

Water Quality and Modeling Specialist,Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

01:20 PM – 01:40 PM

Speech by Session Speaker
Mr. Girish Mavath Ramachandran,


01:40 PM – 03:00 PM

Technical Session II A
Technical Session II B

03:00 PM – 03:20 PM

Speech by Session Speaker
Mr. Shivanshu Thapliyal

Head of AI-Innovation, HL Mando, India

03:20 PM – 05:00 PM

Technical Session III A
Technical Session III B

05:00 PM – 05:10 PM


05:10 PM – 05:20 PM

Vote of Thanks

Scientific Session

Paper Title : Investigating Basic Writing Course: The Practices and Perceptions of Students at University Level

Muthia Mubasyira

Abstract :

Basic writing as the first stepping stone course in learning English writing skills need to be taught properly. The current method used in university level in teaching basic writing is using Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM). Nevertheless, this method is not implemented comprehensively. Therefore, this research is trying to collect primary data from students regarding their practices and perceptions for basic writing course with the current methods. The purpose of this study is to find out how the basic writing learning process by using PWIM and to analyze how students perceive in basic writing learning course and to describe the effectiveness of basic writing learning using PWIM. Respondents were 50 students of the English education study program at university level who took basic writing courses in the third semester. They are selected from four basic writing classes by using purposive sampling technique. This study used mixed methods where qualitative descriptive methods are used to find out and analyze the learning process and perception of students in basic writing classes based on the results of semi-structural interviews conducted and also based on the results of questionnaires distributed to the 50 students. While the experimental method with pretest-posttest design is carried out to find out the effectiveness of basic writing learning using PWIM. Before the data is processed, researchers conduct assumption tests such as tests of normality. After that, a paired t-test is performed. The result showed that the learning process with this approach still needs to be improved, especially about consistency in using this PWIM approach. Then related to the perception of students toward basic writing course also needs to be considered as feedback on better basic writing learning. Furthermore, the results of statistical calculations illustrate that this approach has an influence in the implementation of the effective basic writing classes. Keywords: Basic writing, Practices, Perceptions, University level.


Yeni Raini

Abstract :

Metaverse, one of the Augmented Reality technologies that is currently trending following the digital and technological advances is proven to have the ability to improve the quality of learning. The objectives of this research are : 1) to develop an Augmented Reality-based marker-based encyclopedia using the (SETS Science, Environment, Technology and Society) approach; 2) to find out the quality of the media; and 3) to Apply the media in the classroom in the context of improving the digital skills of Educational Technology students. The research design refers to the Research and Development (R & D) method which is oriented to the Hannafin and Peck model with some stages : 1) Conducting need analysis 2) Designing, 3) Developing, and 4) Conducting evaluation and revision. The sample of this research is Semester I students of the Educational Technology Study Program at Ibnu Khaldun University, Bogor city who are taking the Learning Media course. The data collection methods used are Interviews, surveys, respondent questionnaires, tests, and observation sheets to get the information. Based on the results of the research conducted, it is found that the application of the SETS approach with the Augmented Reality-based marker-based Encyclopedia can improve the digital skills of Educational Technology students.

Keywords: Marker-Based encyclopedia, augmented reality, SETS, digital skills

Paper Title : ISETL Program on APOS Theory as An Effort to Help Students Understand Algebraic Structure Course and Train Student’s Learning Autonomy


Abstract :

The purpose of this study was to comprehensively describe the activities, responses and learning autonomy of the students after conducting the ISETL program on APOS Theory. The type of this research was descriptive research. The sample in this study were students of Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematic and Science, Pamulang University who took Algebraic Structure course. The research instruments used were observation sheets and questionnaires. The observation sheet was to observe the students’ activities during learning using the ISETL program, while the questionnaire was to find out the students’ responses toward the learning of using the ISETL program and to see students’ learning autonomy. From the results of descriptive analysis showed that the learning of algebraic structure courses, especially Group material using the ISETL program could lead to a positive attitude of students towards algebraic structure courses and students give a positive responses to the course. Furthermore, the results of the analysis of the learning autonomy questionnaire showed that learning by using the APOS model could affect the students’ learning autonomy, this can be seen from the results of the gain test showing that all students experience an increase in their learning autonomy. Self-initiative and self-evaluation or reflection showed an increase with moderate criteria, while aspects of goal setting and learning strategies showed an increase with high criteria.

Keywords: ISETL Program, OPOS Theory, Algebraic Structure Course, Learning Autonomy.