Ethics, Policy, and Responsible
AI in Environmental Sciences


Examine ethical considerations in deploying AI for environmental solutions, explore policy frameworks for responsible AI in global environmental initiatives, and discuss international collaborations and governance in AI for sustainable development


"Navigating Ethical Frontiers: Responsible AI in Environmental Sciences"

This session aims to critically evaluate the ethical dimensions of employing AI in environmental sciences. Participants will delve into the complexities of deploying AI for environmental solutions while maintaining ethical standards. The session will also explore the development of policy frameworks that guide responsible AI applications in global environmental initiatives. Additionally, discussions will revolve around fostering international collaborations and governance structures to ensure ethical, responsible, and inclusive AI practices in the pursuit of sustainable development. The objective is to establish a comprehensive understanding of the ethical and policy landscapes in AI-driven environmental sciences and to foster a global perspective on responsible AI deployment for sustainable outcomes.

Ethics, Policy, and Responsible AI in Environmental Sciences is contribution to
The Sustainable Development Goals:

Who Can Join

Research Scholars
Technology Experts
Students & Alumini’s
Editorial Board Members of Journals
Government Officials
Industry Professionals


Topics of Interest for Submission include, but are not limited to:

1 Ethical considerations in deploying AI for environmental solutions.

2 Policy frameworks for responsible AI in global environmental initiatives.

3 International collaborations and governance in AI for sustainable development.

4 Ethics of AI in Environmental Decision-Making

5 Fair and Equitable Access to AI Environmental Solutions

6 Privacy Concerns in AI-Based Environmental Monitoring

7 Human-AI Collaboration in Environmental Management

8 Policy Development for Ethical AI in Environmental Conservation

9 Public Engagement and Ethical AI Decision-Making

10 Cross-Cultural Perspectives on AI Ethics in Environmental Initiatives

11 AI Governance and Accountability Mechanisms

12 International Collaboration for Ethical AI in Sustainability

13 Community-Based Approaches to Ethical AI Implementation


    Ethical Guidelines for AI in Environmental Solutions:
  • Participants will gain insights into developing ethical guidelines for the deployment of AI in environmental applications, ensuring responsible practices and minimizing unintended consequences.
    Policy Frameworks for Responsible AI:
  • The session aims to contribute to the development of policy frameworks that guide the responsible use of AI in global environmental initiatives, promoting transparency, fairness, and accountability.
    International Collaboration in AI for Sustainable Development:
  • Discussions on international collaborations will highlight the importance of global cooperation, knowledge-sharing, and unified governance structures to harness the potential of AI for sustainable development while upholding ethical standards.
    Informed Decision-Making for Responsible AI:
  • The session seeks to empower policymakers, researchers, and practitioners with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions, fostering the responsible and ethical use of AI in environmental sciences and global sustainability efforts.

Scope & Benefits of Attending Beyond Intelligence 2024 conference

Discover the transformative potential of Beyond Intelligence 2024 with a focus on sustainable innovation and technology-driven solutions to address pressing environmental challenges. Learn,

Benefits of Attending Beyond Intelligence 2024

  • Resource Efficiency and Infrastructure Resilience: Learn about strategies to optimise resource use and enhance the resilience of critical infrastructure.
  • Sustainable Energy and Environmental Conservation: Dive into discussions on renewable energy sources, biodiversity preservation, and effective environmental conservation practices.
  • Innovation for Sustainable Development: Engage in sessions promoting innovation, environmental awareness, and the adoption of eco-friendly practices.
  • Responsible Business Practices: Gain insights into fostering sustainability through ethical financial strategies, transparent corporate operations, and responsible business practices.
  • Inclusive Decision-Making for Sustainability: Understand the role of human behaviour, societal values, and cultural perspectives in driving inclusive decision-making processes for sustainable development.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Abstract Submission:

  • Language: Abstracts must be written in English.
  • Length: Limited to one paragraph with 200-250 words.
  • Format: Submit in MS Word (.doc or .docx) document format.
  • Content: Abstracts should provide an informative summary of the original work. Include a brief biography with your abstract, following the example provided in the template.
  • Formatting: Center-align the Title, Author's Names, and Affiliations. Underline the presenting author's name.
  • Submission: Please submit your abstract through the designated submission portal.
  • Acknowledgment: Upon abstract submission, you will receive an acknowledgment email within three working days.

Evaluation Process

Guidelines for Full Paper Submission

If your abstract has been accepted and the registration fee for Beyond Intelligence 2024 has been paid, you are invited to submit the full paper. Please adhere to the following guidelines for the submission:

  • Total number of pages: 6-8 in double-column format
  • Language: English (checked for grammar and language errors)
  • Tables, figures, and images should be properly named and of high quality.
  • Keywords should be written in lowercase letters (except for names/scientific names) and separated by commas.
  • Affiliation names, including the country, must be provided.
  • Each paper should be structured into the following sections:
  • Background, Motivation, and Objective
  • Statement of Contribution/Methods
  • Results, Discussions, and Conclusions

Once your full paper is prepared according to the above instructions, please proceed to submit it through the provided link. Submit your Full paper Here.

Session Lists

To be a Presenter please submit your Research Abstract
To be a Listener, Please register